I feel like I'm a positive person by nature. I admit that I haven't been that way all the time, and I still have days where it's hard to find the brighter side. I know that how I feel when I'm caught up in negative emotions just isn't "right". It's hugely stressful, it makes me feel sick and uneasy and I don't know how to deal with it. I'm at my best when I'm positive and hopeful - everything feels lighter, every effort easier. That's how I want to be, as much as possible.
Yeah, I've said as much before. This time it feels a bit different. How I feel right now is like this: I've been through another round of the emotional ringer, the same one I've been through more times than I can count. And the experience has helped me realize once more how important it is to pinpoint those negative influences in your life and remove them whenever possible. I'm tired of being weighed down. So I'm doing my best to cut all those little anchors loose so I can move forward, onward and upward.
And I'm doing it on my terms. How cool is that?
Last post I said I would share some more studio photos, so let's get to that. I've been very fortunate to have collected a number of sketches, commissions and prints by some of my favourite comic artists over the years, people whose work I enjoy and who inspire me. So I've hung them all on my studio walls, where I need them the most.
From top to bottom: Signed "Usagi Yojimbo" print by Stan Sakai, signed "All Star Superman" print by Frank Quitely, "TMNT" sketches by series artist Jim Lawson and co-creator Peter Laird, "TMNT" print by Eric Talbot, signed "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" print by Georges Jeanty, Impulse commission by Dean Trippe, and coloured Impulse sketch by Jason Ho. Click to embiggen!

Obligatory adorable sleeping dog photo:

My best buddy Logan, being awesome even when sleepy. He's completely taken over the house and I am totally cool with it, you guys.
And last (but certainly not least) I have a few links for you:
My dear friend, ally, and life coach in self-destruction, Dean Young, is a talented and brutally funny writer. He has a Facebook page and a Twitter. You should check them out.
That's all for now. Peace out, Internet!
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